About Me


My name is Gina Petonito, and in a previous life I was an Associate Professor of Sociology. Today I am a proud and enthusiastic entrepreneur. I currently have two businesses:  Writing Your Way and Academic Womxn Reclaim Your Power. 


Currently, I coach academic womxn who want to develop a side business using my MSS signature system:


Fine tune your MINDSET

Develop your SKILLS

Implement your STRATEGY


I currently have three programs to help you traverse your personal entrepreneurial path:


Develop Your Side Biz (currently in beta)


Implement Your Side Biz (currently in beta)


One on One VIP Coaching

I also offer FREE 30 minute business strategy sessions. Schedule yours here.


I also maintain a Facebook Site dedicated to academic womxn, titled Academic Womxn Reclaim Your Power.  I post content at least three times a week. Feel free to join.


I also run an Instagram site focused on developing your side business.  Feel free to follow!


And, you can check out my free content on my Youtube site:  Academic Womxn Reclaim Your Power playlist.

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